Saturday, February 22, 2014

Converting to a Distance Learning Format

Converting to an Online Environment

The scenario that serves as the basis for the post is in regards to a training managers frustration with the current format of training delivery. This frustration has led to the managers inquiry of converting to a blended training format. Pre-planning should also be considered. The manager should outline the steps which include budget, material, timeline, and resources that need to be available to complete the task. 

The first step the manager should take is to conduct an analysis of the current training material. There needs to be a determination of how to structure the training and what content needs to be included.
Horton further outlines the analysis phase to include: 
  • Defining realistic goals
  • Decide what kind of course to create as asynchronous or synchronous
  • Plan for a smooth transition from classroom to web.

As the training manger there should also be considerations for roles and responsibilities of those involved in the conversion process.  After the analysis is complete, the manager can come into the design and development phase. These will probably be the most challenging because it will require a lot of time and resources that are dedicated and focused. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Analyzing Scope Creep

Project Scope
Project Scope as defined by Portny et al (2008) is the description of deliverables, or what work will be performed (pg. 30).  Since my inception into the career world, I have worked on several projects. Each project is different not only in scope but in risk and outcomes.

The Project
An issue on a recent project was around business process deliverables. At the slated date of starting the project the deliverable was in scope, however; as soon as onsite time with the client began we quickly realized that the project deliverable estimated time and budget was out of scope. As we all know time, resources, and budget are key drivers in projects success and failures. Resources for once was not the major issue, it was budget and time. The original statement of work did not equate the amount of effort that was needed to go into this specific project deliverable. 

Scope Creep
Scope creep is the natural tendency of the client as well as project team members to try to improve the projects output as the project progresses (Portny et al 2008, pg. 350).  In the scenario described above, scope creep began when onsite time with the client insight into the actual effort that would be needed to complete the project deliverable. To manage this scenario it is important for the project manager to understand the deliverable and to provide the client with realistic effort. Duration is commonly provided and effort estimation is overlooked. This is what happened with "The Project".

Portny, S. E., Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Sutton, M. M., & Kramer, B. E. (2008). Project management: Planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Impact of Open Source

The What
Carnegie Mellon describes an open source course as giving students the availability to learn in a course style for free online. Student have the ability to participate in courses and learn content during their leisure time.

The Who
Harvard University is participating in the open source course realm. They offer a variety of instructor-led videos that cover various topics. The site to access the courses is user-friendly allowing for users to click a link and gain access to the courses available.  Many of the courses are available free of registration.  This type of learning environment is great for those that want to "brush up" on certain topics without having to pay for an extensive education. There are many other universities that are participating in this type of educational offering as well. 

The How
As far as distance education is concerned, these courses are fit into distance education spectrum. They are offered in an online environment where the learner and instructor are physically separated. This type of offering is beneficial for students because it allows them to take advantage of educational courses without having to come out of pocket.  The benefits of open source software on the development side rage from lower cost, public collaboration, and no license fees.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Estimating Cost and Allocating Resources

After further research this week I have discovered several resources that are useful for cost estimation and resource allocation. These are both pertinent task that need to be completed early on in any project. 

The importance of resource allocation is described in an article that outlines important steps of project management.  Cost estimates are just as important as resources, because particular resources often come with a specified price. A project manager must identify resources and allocate the resources appropriately throughout the duration of the project. 

"Although the estimate activity resources forms part of developing the project time schedule, this process is normally undertaken in parallel with the process ‘estimate costs’ (which is a process within the cost management process group)." ( PM-Primer)

Resource Links:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Communicating Effectively


Communication is defined as:

It is important to understand the underlying meaning of communication and its importance. Factors such as the audience and communication environment can have a positive or negative effect on the perception of the message being sent.  The sender of the message must also consider timing of the message being sent. For example, I have worked on projects where I have received pertinent information the day before a holiday break. This is why timing is so important. How much of that information was retained? My guess is none!

The richest communication medium in my perspective is in-person/ face-to-face. You are able to receive real time feedback and interaction. It is important to exercise and embrace the stakeholders preferred type of communication style. A key element that Dr. Stolovich pointed out to avoid is ambiguity.  Make sure the communication being sent is clear, concise, and effective.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2012). Communicating with Stakeholders. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Selecting Distance Learning Technologies


Asynchronous Training


Training Scenario:

A biomedical company is in need of implementing a series of safety training models. The standalone modules must illustrate best practices regarding how to safely operate the equipment.  The modules should contain step by step processes and be available to all end-users. Employees should also be able to engaged and demonstrate their learning. 

Learning Technologies

There are a plethora of learning technologies that can assist with this type of scenario. The technologies that I think would be beneficial are a learning management system (LMS) and web based courses.  Even though both of these technologies can be used simultaneously, web-based courses can be delivered without a virtual learning environment. The LMS would address the  need for housing the course models, modules being available, and for learning demonstrations. By developing web-based courses and storing them in the LMS, users are able to access the courses on-demand. Supervisors and other personnel are able to track completion of the modules. Using software such as Adobe Captivate and Articulate allows for the courses to be developed, maintained, and published within a short period of time.  Both of the technologies mentioned would be essential aspects for this training scenario. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Learning from a Project

Post Mortem Analysis

There are many critical factors that are contributors to the success of a project. In my opinion, the most critical element to the success of the project is COMMUNICATION.

In order for a project to start is a communication catalyst must take place. This can in the form of a key-off meeting which usually is the starting point. During this time the project manager, stakeholders, management, and project team receive pertinent information about the project. Key activities that take place during this time include:
  • Overview of the project
  • Project Plan
  • Deliverables
  • Work breakdown structure
  • Communication Channels
These are just a view tops that will more than likely be covered during this initial phase of the project.  This type of meeting/information is essential to the success of the project. Weekly or bi-weekly status meetings are usual for the project team because it helps to keep everyone abreast on the project details.


Planning is also another crucial element to project success. A thorough project plan needs to be developed. In my recent project, a minimal focus has been placed on  work break down structures. We are usually provided with the task that we are assigned and the target due date. This is why planning needs to take place during the beginning of the project. This allows for everyone involved on the project to be accountable for key activities and milestones.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Defining Distance Learning

From previous experience, distance learning has been beneficial in both my undergraduate and graduate pursuits. It allows flexibility for work and personal life. For a person that has not had experience with distance learning it can be overwhelming to them because you are solely responsible for receiving all pertinent information. There are certain courses that I would not take in a distance learning setting such as anything relating to math. Interactivity is also an engaging component that can be incorporated into distance learning courses.   
Distance learning is popular in my career industry and often is considered to be e-learning. I work for a company that has a global workforce with employees spread throughout the world and it is challenging to deliver training in this type of environment.   I am currently working with the human resource department to start our distance learning program.
“Distance education is defined as an institution based formal education where the learning group of separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2012).” Distance learning is an evolving approach to education and training. During my undergraduate career, I had to opportunity to participate in traditional classroom lectures and online lectures as well.
        Continuing, distance learning will continue to evolve as technology and demand for it increases. There are new effective and efficient methods that allow for distance learning to be delivered on demand. The concept of on demand is becoming widely used and needed in life. For example, even cable companies offer on demand television program that gives viewers access to shows whenever they would like to view them.  This could serve the same purpose for education and training.
This mind map illustrated concepts that I think help to evolve the definition of distance education. The bigger branches include separation, telecommunication systems, institution based, and interactivity. 


Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.