Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fitting the Pieces Together

As we come to the end of this class, we now have to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Below is my initial post from May: 

Learning is a unique concept that is adaptable in many facades. Learning is not a one step process, its continuous throughout our lifetimes. From birth we are all susceptible to learning. There are different phases, styles, and methods to learning.  The first time that I really thought about how I learned is when I was introduced to the concepts auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I think that I am a combination of all of them it just depends on what I am trying to learn.
As mentioned in the Ertmer and Newby article, there are certain strategies that can help facilitate learning and bridge the gap of the different learning styles. They also outlined the task of translating learning theory into practical applications. I can learn by both conventional and unconventional methods. For example, throughout my undergraduate career I took online and instructor lead classes. I chose to take instructor led classes for application course such as math and science because I knew that it would be best for me.  It was important for me to learner my own learning process. 
The theory that I can relate the most to is the cognitive theory. I like to learn by associating new concepts with past experiences. Understanding how certain concepts relate to my current goals and situations helps me to see the bigger picture. Overall, learning is a process that is specific to each person.    
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features from an Instructional Design Perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), by P. A. Ertmer & T. J. Newby. Copyright 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Journals.

 As we end this class, I will now reflect upon that post: 


My view upon learning has not changed. I still do believe that learning is not a one step process and there is not a "one size fits" all method to facilitating learning. However, throughout this instructional period I have reflected upon my personal learning style and I can see how it related to the cognitive and constructivism theories. I would also say that my learning is adaptable. As I have mentioned several times throughout this course, I prefer a tradtional classroom environment but I have recently adopted the e-learning concept. 

Technology plays a very important role in my life when it comes to learning. Right now I am currently using a laptop to complete this assignment, and without this device I would not have been able to complete the last couple of years of work or school. I use technology (the internet) minutely throughout my day. Working for a technology consulting firm, I cannot be biased toward new technologies because I would ultimately be out of a job.  I learn new ideas, concepts, and techniques through technology. Being under the age of 25, life before modern technology is becoming a blur to me. This is why I am fascinated with learning the latest and greatest when it comes to life, learning, and technology. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Evaluating and Identifying Online Resources

This week we will discuss the brain and its correlation with learning, and the information process learning theory. 


The American Society for Training and Development has an excellent publication of the sophistication of the brain and how it helps us to learn. Activate engagement is a concept that was emphasized in the article. It explains how our neural connections are fundamental for learning to take place in the brain.  We must stimulate our brain to consciously retain the information.

Learning and The Brain

I chose to review this site because it is a collection of research provided by educators, researchers, psychologist, and etc. It is an organization that provides extensive research and seminars about the brain and its association with learning. They explore learning and the brain regarding its implications to education. This is a fascinating concept for me because they all work simultaneously together. This type of research can lead to developments that will help school systems and teachers prepare curriculum to enhance education.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Doorway to Professional Learning Communities


We learning something new each and every day even though we may not know it.  As I have learned numerous times in the past, training is an evolving field. I have recently been introduced to the concept of instructional design. When I interned as a training associate for a consulting firm during my undergraduate career, I was introduced to the training arena. Of course, I have participated in numerous training activities throughout my lifetime.

I have reviewed several blog sites pertaining to training, instructional design, and technology. Every trainer or designer have their own opinion about how learning takes place and how training should be delivered. The first site that I decided to review discusses training games and the tools used to bring the games to life. 

Blog Reviews

Training Games
  • The blog is titled Train Like A Champion. The blog post from May 08, 2013 describes how the instructional designer used Microsoft Power Point to create an interactive family feud game. The overall objective of the post was accomplished; however, it could have been more engaging. There could have been additional references to other interactive games that can be created by power point. A description of how this type of game can enhance a training program would have also been useful as well. 
Internet Time
  • " Design is not merely an indicator of esthetic taste, but a social phenomenon that both mirrors and shapes how we think." This is the first sentence of the blog post titled I am a designer. The post references how we think about design and list the principles of design.  Overall, I was not pleased with the post and did not feel it provided any merit to training or instructional design.
  • This blog explores education, learning, and the community. It describes learning as an insatiable curiosity that drives absorption. There was also mention of different types of learning such as incidental and unconscious learning.  The overall concept that I retained from this blog that is relevant to the material in this course thus far is Learning as a process- ideas of how and why change occurs. This is an excellent blog post to explore aspects of learning, training, and instructional design. It also provides some valuable resources and references.